Tossing and turning, creative unrest. . .

‘the simple adventures of everyday life’ is a collection of creative thoughts and ideas that have kept me up at night. Included, are Original Hand-Made Wedding Invitations, cards, photographs, poetry and short stories.

My Dad was an extremely creative man, an artist, who lost many a nights sleep because of planning and building in his head….I’ve found that I’m exactly the same way. On many occasions, as I tried in vain to fall asleep, I had to get up and write down an idea…or perhaps a line of poetry, that if I indeed eventually would drift off, I was sure to forget by morning.

I have always loved weddings! My obsession has taken me to some wonderful collections (vintage wedding photos & wedding cake toppers, and maybe a few vintage wedding gowns....but that's another story). . .and recently, to designing custom wedding invitations under the name 'CaroleKancarDesignStudio'.

26 January, 2011

oh NO...SNOW!!

A few weeks ago, I wrote this and neglected to post it.  Unlike my son, Eric, who seems to love the beauty of all seasons, for me winter is a countdown to spring, and pretty much, only that....

I have never been a fan of winter...or snow....or even Christmas.  I start stressing about the entire season already in August and have often wished that I could hide in a closet until it's all over.  BUT....when the snow is newly fallen and fresh, the beauty is breathtaking.For the past two days, we've experienced our first heavy lake effect snowfall.  Most areas were hit really hard, some worse than others, and some, had hardly a dusting.  The snow itself is heavy and last night when I went to bed, I could hear a crackling sound, which turned out to be a tree in our yard that had given way to the weight of the snow.  We were awakened at 4am by the sound of a chainsaw.....our neighbor was without electricity because one of his trees had fallen on the wires, and the electric company was cutting the tree away. The sunny morning brought an awesome beauty of a winter wonderland.  Everything was covered; the snow covered trees were bowing down and the sound was crisp.  Now tell me, how can I not love this grandeur?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carole.. I really don't mind the winter, yes it's cold and one has a tendency of spending most of the time indoors. but you must admit that there certaintly a beauty that mother nature provides us after a freshly fallen snow fall as your photo's show that you have taken of our yard. Such beauty in nature.
Love Jerry