time slips away...
one more night? one more day?
memories present themselves,
a slideshow in my head...
enjoying them for one last time,
before the day I'm dead.
days disappear...
a month is gone, and now a year.
how many more will I have left?
there is no time to waste...
completing all those "should have's"
with quickness and in haste.
no time left, I have no fear...
I see the end, the end is near.
a fleeting sigh, a lingered breath..
how many more until my death?
That evening we found out that our dear neighbor of almost 20 years, Art Reimer, had passed away suddenly. Little to say we were all in shock. Art was a guy full of life and adventure, always ready with a joke or a smile. We've all been saddened by his loss. We'll miss you, Art, but we'll never forget.
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